Friday, March 14, 2008

Final Thoughts

The academy has been a wonderful experience for me. The teachers did a wonderful job of introducing us to new information. I've been able to incorporate several learning strategies in my classroom this year. Thanks again for all your help.


KIM MOSER said...

I agree. We have learned a lot. You know there is so much I admire about you, but as I get to know you better, I discover more and more things to admire. This academy has revealed to me how open-minded you are to new ideas and how easy it is to adapt things if you'll only give it a shot. Thanks for opening my eyes.

Marj's Blog said...

Rabber, I am glad you are on my team. Keep reading those novels, and I will keep talking about the ethics of cloning and the survival of the fittest.

Katrina said...

I have found you to be very inspirational during the course of this academy. The way you use novels, etc. to teach science is really something that I think is fantastic. I think that you are a person that has some really great information and ideas to share.

Unknown said...

You have been an inspiration to me as well. I love that you, as a science teacher found so many useful things to use from our literacy academy meetings, literacy usually pertaining to reading and writing. If only other core subject teachers could see themselves as reading and writing teachers instead of insisting that it's the English teacher's job to do that...